
Growing to Meet Your Needs

Written by Lisa Sursavage | Jan 5, 2018 6:00:00 AM

Jetco continuously invests in our fleet to ensure we meet our customers' needs. As we enter 2018, here's what we're doing to ensure we continue to offer the best freight and logistics solutions:

  • Adding 10 new trucks in January 2018
  • Adding 15 new chassis in January 2018
  • Locations in Houston, Dallas and San Antonio
  • Trucks and chassis are lighter weight to help you maximize pay load
  • Growing Jetco Logistics, our freight brokerage company, to provide you service across the map
  • Scheduling meetings with our customers to identify differences and maximize the value of our services.

Want to find out how Jetco can support your freight and logistics needs?

Contact us at 713.676.1111.