Meet Kristen De La Cerda, Jetco’s Business Intelligence Analyst

By Lisa Sursavage


As one of the newest members to the Jetco family, Kristen spends her days working with Mo to help find the best technological solutions for our customers. Find out how she thinks our customers most benefit from technology – and what she would want to sing if she had the chance on American Idol!

How long have you worked at Jetco?

4 months

What do you like most about your job?

I enjoy working on a variety of projects. Some days are driven by data analysis and others are working to improve processes for our customers. There’s always a new challenge!

How do you think our customers mostly benefit from technology?

Technology helps customers gain important insight to their businesses. It allows our customers to be more productive, to make important decisions based on data, and to save money. Our customers can analyze the health of their businesses and determine where processes can be optimized.

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?


If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?

Anything by Destiny’s Child


Contact Kristen: kdelacerda@jetcodelivery.com or 713.676.1111


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